Legal notice

The holder of this website is:

Identity: Comexi Group Industries S.A.U. (hereinafter, COMEXI)
NIF (tax identification number): A17005299
Address: Avda. Mas Pins 135 – Pol. Ind. Girona, 17457 Riudellots de la Selva
Tel.: +34 972 477 744
Registered with the Commercial Register of Girona, Volume 133, Book 12, Folio 184, Section 3, sheet GI-2436

Terms of use

The use of this website entails the full acceptance of the terms and conditions of the present legal notice. The possible disputes related to this web will be exclusively governed by Spanish law. Every user of this website, independently of the jurisdictional territory from where it is accessed, accepts compliance and respect of these terms and expressly waives their right to any other jurisdiction to which they may be entitled to.

Intellectual and industrial property

All the content of this website, be it texts, images, sounds, trademarks, logos or other elements, together with its substructure, design, colour combination or presentation of materials are protected by intellectual and industrial property rights which the user of this web must respect. Its transformation or alteration, public disclosure or any other form of exploitation by any means without the express authorisation of COMEXI is unlawful.

Responsibility regarding contents

Even if COMEXI acts with the utmost diligent, some data or information might not be fully updated when consulted by a user of the website. Therefore, the content displayed in this website in only for information purposes only and COMEXI shall not be liable in their account. COMEXI shall not be liable of the information obtained through links included in the website. COMEXI reserves its right, at any time and without prior notice, to modify or update the information and any other element that are part of the design and settings of the website.

Applicable law and jurisdiction:

The use of this website entails the full acceptance of the terms and conditions of the present legal policy. The possible disputes related to this web will be exclusively governed by Spanish law and the Spanish courts and tribunals shall be competent to rule on any matter related to such disputes. The user, by virtue of their acceptance, expressly waives their right to any other jurisdiction to which they may be entitled in accordance with the current Spanish Civil Proceedings Law.
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