How can businesses analyze data to help decision-making that lead them to competitive edge?

The Comexi Cloud is a digital service platform designed to bring analytics and valuable services to every team, process and application in the business. Along the way, it supports unique and valuable success stories and best practices, closing the PDCA (Plan Do Check Act) cycle.


Plug and Play

No implementation or coding needed. Start extracting and analyzing real-time data from the first minute.


Search for information, interact with data and perform in-depth analysis with maximum simplicity and quickness.


Export and connect data from all machines to any other external system such as ERP, MIS and CRM using Comexi Cloud Data Export Module.


All your data is stored in Amazon Web Services Cloud Servers and is accessible only to you. Data security and confidentiality is our first priority!

Manufacturing Analytics

Mi proyecto

Data is the main foundation of the digital revolution that is transforming the economy and everyone will need to be able to navigate, analyze and summarize it

Otherwise, data will continue to remain underused and undermining businesses potential to compete at higher levels.

Production analytics is no longer an end goal, is the way to ensure correct and insightful decision-making. This applies to both human and machine decision-making in areas like IoT, automation and machine learning.

The technology is creating shifts in power. Hundreds of years ago, power resided in land ownership. With the Industrial Revolution, power shifted to manufacturers. In the data age, power is moving to the organizations that own their data.

Production Analytics

The easy way to obtain data on real time and know which jobs are in process or which ones are already done and how; in any printing process. These data can be reach trough indicators, notifications and PDF reports, once the job orders are finished. Also, statistics and incidences can be check.

Job Costing

Allows to check the costs and consumption of any machine production and its statistics to know the evolution of these jobs. The Job Costing service is integrated to Production Analytics when the machines have sensor or scale modules.

Ordering Online

E-commerce platform where to buy spare parts on an easy way and totally free. Any kind of spare part can be ordered quickly and instantaneously at 365 days a year and 24-hour.

Maintenance Assistant

Comexi takes care of the machine maintenance offering task reporting.

Technical Docs

Manuals and instructions are always available and updated.

Data Export

Comexi Cloud Data Export allows you to access to all machineโ€™s data from any applications such as ERP, MES and MCS according to your needs. This data is private and secure, ready to be analyzed easily.

Testimonies speak volumes.

"Comexi Cloud equips us with tools that enable us to make faster and more efficient decisions"

Simones Weber / Maxiplast Embalagens

"Comexi Cloud really help us for the traceability and it is a very good tool"

Annie Berkovich / LIVCER

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